We’ve also changed the wander range and placement of the Corrupted Warriors so that they no longer interrupt players trying to use the Bank. There’s also a familiar new face in the lobby area – Perdu! This notable fellow will help you reclaim and repair your fanciest gear. On the topic of penalties, you’ll now be informed that you have one on the UI – although you’ll need to speak to a Corrupted Warrior to learn how long your penalty timer will last. We’ll be keeping a close eye on how this change plays out in-game over the next few weeks, so no messing about! Attacking another player will forfeit your immunity.Īnd for those of you who’d rather huddle in the lobby than fight your next target, rest assured that skipping an unskulled target no longer contributes to your ‘skip limit’ for the purpose of matchmaking penalties. You’ll also get a whole 6 seconds of immunity from Rogues after spawning into the crater – although your target will still be able to attack you. Grab your lobbies from the lobby and get back in plenty of time! This week, we’re enacting a bunch of improvements based on your feedback!įirst up, those of you who just have to dash to the Bank mid-fight will be pleased to learn that we’ve increased the time added back to your 2:00 timer when re-entering the Crater from 6 seconds to 15 seconds. You may have already seen our mini-newspost last week about the upcoming changes to Bounty Hunter. The PvP Arena is using '1 Def Pure' loadouts in Ranked Duels and Tournaments this week. World 390 (AUS) for LMS Competitive has been de-activated with this rota. (C++ Client Only) Morrigan's Throwing Axe (bh) and Morrigan's Javelin (bh) are no longer considered ammo.(C++ Client Only) The Clue Helper no longer thinks a Round Blue Snelm can be used for the clue that requires a Pointy Blue Snelm.(C++ Client Only) Radimus Erkle is now correctly highlighted when using the Clue Scroll Helper.The Amulet of Nature can now notify you about fully grown or diseased patches from your Inventory, rather than having to be worn.The items are usable and tradeable only on members-only worlds, as before. On a F2P world, players can now see the names of members' items, written like "Dragon dagger (Members)", rather than the item being named "Members item".The 'Release all placeholders' button in the Bank now has a confirmation warning.We've detailed some potential future plans to ensure Bounty Hunter remains in a good place going into the future!.June will feature more information about the Mobile TLI.Upcoming Client and Engine updates will help to resolve issues with crashing and rendering.Events (Flowering Tree, Struggling Sapling, Rising Roots and Leprechaun).Forestry is in Open Beta from Monday, 5th June! You'll be able to test the following content:.Removed the level 75 Attack requirement from Statius’s Warhammer.Players that obtained and then lost these items before the coldfix on Friday will be able to refund enough points for one.Weapon imbues and cosmetic kits are now kept on death, although the base item will still be lost if unprotected.Bounty Hunter World 541 (US West) has been replaced with World 573 (US East).Blighted supplies are now usable in the lobby area.Adjusted the wander range and placement of Corrupted Warriors to stop them engaging players in conversation while they’re trying to bank.The Esoteric Emblem is now correctly filtered in the Bounty Hunter Store.Your target can still attack you, and you will lose immunity upon attacking another player. Players now have 6 seconds of immunity from rogue players after entering the Crater.Perdu can now be found in the lobby area.Speak to the Corrupted Warrior to see your current penalty timer. The UI will now indicate that you have a matchmaking penalty.Skipping an unskulled target no longer contributes to matchmaking penalties.Increased the time added back to players’ 2:00 timer when re-entering the Crater from 6 seconds to 15 seconds.
This week’s update sees changes to Bounty Hunter and the Forestry Open Beta!